Flange Sealant – Orange
1.76 oz. DOS
Physical Properties (in liquid state)
Chemical description: Dimethylacrylate
Color: Orange
Viscosity/77?F Brookfield(RTV): 80,000 – 1200,000 mPas (spindle rpm: 6/2.5)/30,000 – 40,000 mPas (spindle rpm: 6/20)
Density: 1.05 g/cm3
Flash point: > 212?F
Shelf life: 1 year at room temperature
Physical Properties (in cured state)
Hand-tight after: 10 – 20 minutes
Usable after: 3 – 6 hours
Final strength after: 6 – 24 hours
Initial breakaway torque: 17 – 22 Nm (M10)
Continuing torque: 13 – 17 Nm (M10)
Pressure shearing strength (DIN 54452): 5 – 10 N/mm2
Tensile Strength: 8 – 10 N/mm3 (ASTM-D-2095)
Impact Shearing Strength: 5 – 10 Nmm/mm2 (ASTM-D-950)
Operating termperature range: -67?F to +302?F
For sealing of flanges and surfaces with a gap of 0.5 mm max. Replacement for solid seals.
Large gap filling capability
– Completely fills rough surfaces